Irish potato
- n.爱尔兰马铃薯;白马铃薯

The fungus blamed for the Irish Potato Famine was no the culprit after all .
Irish Potato Famine Cause Revisited
And you could not stop talking about the Irish potato famine ?
And you walked right up to that girl you liked and you could not stop talking about the Irish potato famine ?
Potato ( Solanum tuberosum ), also named Irish potato , foreign-poi , is cultivated widely in our province .
A century later , it had become the major food crop in Ireland ; disastrous damage to the crop by a fungal blight caused the Irish potato famine in the mid-1800s .
Scientists at Cornell University recently borrowed a gene from a South American potato to make potatoes that resisted the late blight fungus , a devastating disease that caused the Irish potato famine .
The study introduced the nutrition value and medicial value of sweet potato and Irish potato , and forecasted the processing prospect of their powders , and compared their producing technology , in the end , summarized the application of the powders .
" Botanically unrelated to the white , or irish , potato or the yam , sweet potatoes are oblong or pointed oval , tuberous roots . "